Green Eggs and ... Poop?

No, this isn't a fictional kids story, green poop does happen; but what does it mean?
Green poop, more than likely is just a reflection of what you eat.  If you eat something green, such as vegetables, or a food that has dyes, like lime Jell-O, expect to see some funny shades of green poop. Even foods with lots of Iron can create a greenish tint to brown poop. But that isn't the only reason for green poop.
Before we are able to view our poop and even before it comes out of our body, poop is green.  Bile, (Pronounced like "pile," but with a "b" instead of the "p,") is a fluid the body uses during digestion and is what makes the green color in our poop. If digestion is rushed - aka ... diarrhea - then the stool (Stool is another word for poop) can look more green than you may be used to.
Different colors of poop can mean different things to your health and the best way to find answers about your personal health is through your doctor.
I am not a doctor but I found this information to be interesting after drinking a Romulan Ale. What's that you ask? It's a drink that people on Star Trek drink. Romulan's are aliens in the show and that is the alcohol they like. So at the Las Vegas, Star Trek Exhibit, at Quark's bar, you too can purchase Romulan Ale. Awesome souvenir, great present for an of-age Star Trek fan.  The liquid itself is dyed a very dark blue and after the blue tongue has worn off, the green poop announces itself.  Oh what fun it is to discover the inner workings of the human body.
Information on this article was found through personal experience as well as the following sites:
I am in no way claiming to have any professional knowledge on the subject and cannot be held accountable for any misinformation in this article or reactions and results others cause because of it.  This article is intended merely to share my own experience and personal knowledge - not to be used as a basis for diagnosis, treatment, seeking of treatment, recommendation or reports. Thanks! -Free of liability -

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