Whose Pockets Would Actually Fit the Pocket Chair?

It's possible that people wear pants the size of a circus tent, but most of the population tends to wear pants too tight for even cell phones, so who thought the name pocket chair would actually fit? The chair certainly couldn't fit in my pocket, or even purse for that matter, but it is probably the lightest travel chair I have ever encountered. Impressive? sure, sounds great, but how great is the chair actually?
Well, I do love the convenient carry case it comes in, at least that isn't too small to get the thing to fit again, but that still isn't my pocket. Alright, alright, I need to get over the fact that the name is misleading, but I couldn't get over the fact that the lock was incredibly hard to fasten. I understand that the chair needs to be taught (you know, really tight), but the amount of muscle I actually used convinced me this isn't a gift for my grandma. Although she would probably be the one to benefit from a portable chair on a long walk, I highly doubt she would be able to properly use the thing.
So aside from the fact that at first the joints weren't aligned and so unfolding the chair was a task in itself, it seemed to hold me up pretty steadily. But then again, I'm way under the 250 pounds that the chair says is max weight. And after reading the warnings on the instructions and finding that being over that weight and sitting on the chair may result in death, I'm hesitant to sit on it myself. Aside from all the imaginative ways I thought this chair could kill me - I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone who might actually need to sit down; in such random intervals that this chair would be so necessarily light that I could carry it anywhere!
A dream come true? or a chair with a name that would only describe the pockets of Andre the giant's pants, and he wouldn't be able to sit on it anyway.
So unless you're backpacking, maybe fishing, I wouldn't spend the money

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