Space Cadet Awaiting Launch

Seattle Space Needle Puts Free Spaceflight Up for Grabs | Private Spaceflight & Space Tourism | Space Tourism & Armadillo Aerospace |

Calling all Space Cadet's, star gazers and the average citizen who gave up on the idea of being an astronaut - it's time to start believing in big dreams again. As children we all dream big and for many the dream was to go into space but with time and age came careers, families, and life took over. You may think you had missed your shot at being an astronaut. Then came along the idea of commercial flights to the moon, tickets were purchased, the idea fell through and dreams were lost again. It seemed even more bleak when the news aired Nasa's last space launch. But one big dreamer has revived our hopes, of the average person being able to go into space, with the 50th anniversary of Seattle's Space Needle.

           The nickname Space Cadet got picked up somewhere in childhood because of the blank expression on my face when I stare into the sky. Imagining a far of place that I might never reach but always dreamt about. (Not that we all space things out sometimes - right)? Not even the fear of flying would stop me from wanting to experience the roller coaster of a lifetime. With the straight up shot like the Super Man ride at Six Flags, Magic Mountain - but longer; and the same feeling of weightlessness the ride provided (for like thirty seconds) - but for six minutes. The difference with the zero gravity felt in is this monumental prize for the Space Race is that it isn't the work of physics to make you feel weightless; The Space Race prize is an actual trip to space. No faking that feeling!

             Resuscitate those dreams that you had thought were dead and get your space suit ready. The nickname, Space Cadet, would be true to the meaning of the words and will have a new, positive meaning. Come join me in the race for a single space on a ride to the other side of the atmosphere.
Here is the website where I applied. Seattle Space Needle, "Space Race 2012." - This webpage no longer exists, if you do choose to visit, be aware it only takes you to the Space Needle's broken link page.

This contest has ended. This article nor it's author are affiliated with any part of the Seattle Space Needle contest, "Space Race 2012," or it's parent company. Thank you.

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