Healthy or Happy?

What's really going on inside your body?  Wouldn't you think that we should know what's going on within ourselves? After all, don't we spend the most time with ourselves? And yet, so many of us have no idea what's going on right underneath our noses.  We question why does this hurt, or why am I so unhappy, or any other number of complaints that comes out of our mouths. But it's important to remember that our bodies and how we treat ourselves directly influences how we feel.
        It's easy to say that if you eat bad things more than likely you'll feel bad. Too bad it isn't that easy to just start treating our bodies the way we want to feel.  But think about it - your body uses what you feed it to make you function, so you will run differently depending on what you feed it and how you treat it.  A car that runs on gas isn't going to go if you put sugar in it.  So why do we think our bodies will function if we put junk in it?  And when our bodies thrive on exercise why are we so surprised when we drive everywhere, sit all day, and develop diabetes? Sometimes there are simple answers to hard questions and learning is key. 
        Through education we can learn about our health. Through experience we can learn about what makes us happy. The strength is inside all of us we just have to know where to look and what to do with what we have.
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