Understanding the Ever Presence of God

Trying to understand how God could be with all of us, at all times, everywhere, was at first perplexing to me. The idea that God was out there, looking down on all of us, didn't feel as close to the Lord as I would want. The relationship between a person and his or her God should be a very personal one.  The idea that the Lord was like Big Brother, always watching us, wasn't the loving relationship I wanted.

I try to pray everyday to live for God. While on my jog I ask the Lord to help fix my body to make myself healthier so I am physically able to do whatever it is He wants me to do in this world. Included in this prayer but is in the back of my mind (so God knows Im thinking about it without actually having to say anything.) to help me nourish my body properly so I can enjoy the world He has created. 
The reason I take this so personally is because God lives within all of us.  He has created each and every one of us individually in order to enjoy our own personal lives along with us. Its like whom or whatever created us put a part of him/her/it inside of us like a camera but it is stronger because when asking to awaken the God within us we become capable of amazing things. 
 So it can be a camera for those who don't know what to believe or it can be the feeling of love that is within us.  The feeling that you're not alone because there is a comfort knowing God lives inside each and everyone of us and everything around us.  The camera image is a great example of what it is like to live for God.
Imagine that your set of eyes is a camcorder and your brain is the memory chip (dvd,cd, any kind of data storage device can be inserted here to fit you.) and God is like the camera's user- he is always able to see what you see, feel what you feel, and be there with you - like the ultimate interactive live video game. Except God doesn't log off or change users.  He lives inside all of us.
He is able to be with all his creations always but sometimes, as humans, we ignore those feelings of love and wanting to help others and thus start muffling the voice of God. But when you ask for God's love within you to awaken you will feel nicer and want to love. This became important in my life because I want to show God how wonderful I think life is.  I want to show others how wonderful life is.  No one should ever feel alone, knowing God is always there and always loves us.

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