Terms & Conditions

These articles are personal opinions, thoughts, ideas and come from the perspective of the author. In no way are these articles meant to be malicious.  Any or all people and names mentioned in the articles are fictional characters and are not based, in any part, on real people or persons in the world.
       I am in no way claiming to have any professional knowledge on any subjects mentioned or pertaining to in an article. The author therefore cannot be held accountable for any misinformation herein the articles or reactions of others as a result.  The articles are intended merely to share my own, the author's, experiences and personal knowledge. These articles or anything mentioned, written or not, are not to be used as a basis for medical or any other diagnosis, treatment, seeking of treatment, recommendation or reports.
       The blogs contained herein are not medical articles on any syndrome, as I am not a medical doctor, and do not recommend taking any of these articles, posts, or comments as a tool for diagnosis, only a trained professional can diagnose a medical problem. See your doctor if you think you have something wrong, but I am not telling or recommending all you fellow hypochondriacs (or not) to seek medical advice because of this article either, that is a personal decision. This article holds the author in no way responsible for any reactions of others as a result. 
        Any whole or part of the product reviews are personal opinions from personal experiences.  The author purchased the product with her own money, whether or not she returned it or received moneys back for the product is inconsequential as any article written or expressed about a product has not been influenced or biased toward, for or against, the company. Any or all articles on this blog written or not in no way promotes the incorrect usage of any or all products reviewed and/or mentioned and is merely an opinion of my, the author's, own experiences. This article and it's author in no way take responsibility nor condone any actions or reactions readers may take in response to having read these or any articles in "Marcella's Amazement's blog" or used the product.
          The opinions expressed in no way reflects the opinions or values of any company or parent company of any or all products reviewed.  Since this is a personal review the author holds no responsibility for how or what readers may say or act directly or indirectly in response to this article.  I was not paid by the company or product at the time of the review or written article. The author does not work for and is not affiliated with any or part of Asus, Android,  CBS, Dr. Oz, The Mayo Clinic, the Pocket Chair, Readers Digest, The Shark, the Seattle Space Needle, the Space Needle contest, "Space Race 2012,"  Survivor, or any other parent or affiliated companies.
        As a condition of reading anything on this blog, you, or a reader, release the author of any or all liability as a result of the articles or reviews contained herein.

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