Working on vs. Finalizing

"Working on," and "finalizing," require two separate frames of mind.  Being able to create vs. being okay with completing and moving into the next phase of life; whatever that may be.  With an infinate spectrum of meanings, "working on," can range from the beginning stages of conceptual thinking to the wrapping-it-up stages before finalization.  However, finalization requires an ability to set goals, work through these goals in an efficient manner to effectively gain whatever is being sought.  This means knowing what your goal is and asking yourself; what do you want? 

The problem comes to fruition when a person attempts to finish any sort of a hobby-type task with no end line or set due date.  There is a tendency to bask in the task and relish in the zone of the dream like state the mind goes into.  That is perhaps where the difference between dreamers and winners may lie is in the finalization portion of the task at hand.  Learning to let go without it meaning the end, it is just different.  This difference is called change and it is inevitable.  In fact, change is the only constant in this world. Yet having a fear of change may create a self-sabotaging subconscious behavior to never finish a task at hand.  Avoiding adaption can be self depricating.

There is a difference in mindframe between those who create their own opportunities and those who just let life happen to them.  This ability to finalize and move to the next phase does require a bit of being able to function while being uncomfortable.  Anything unfamiliar is uncomfortable at first, for everyone. How a person learns to navigate through these emotions will determine the outcome of their fate. The ability to learn from one's own mistakes and those of others is imperative in the growing process.  That is why there is a pattern between those who constantly fail then wallow in self pity and those who get up, try again, learn, then eventually succeed.

However, if you are uncomfortable with the unfamiliar, then without even knowing it, you've made success appear scary - thus allowing your subconscious to create an aversion to success. Now you have found a way to live comfortably in what you think is a safe environment.  Always working on, always improving, but never finishing for one reason or another.   Whatever this reason may be, it is this unconscious fear's manifesting a wall to blind you from seeing your accountability in taking responsibility of your own life.  Because if you want it bad enough, you will find a way. 

Some have the drive to take on tasks, and having finished them, pave their way to the point of incompetency.  That boss who will make us wonder why we are not more successful.  Yet the cycle of "working on," continues to the point of depression.  To the point of pain.  To the point where the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.   But why do some of us feel the need to stay in the same place of pain for so long while others are able to move on and seem to have their lives all together.

This brings to question the ability to learn how to finish and move on.  Winning or not, it is a necessity of life which many of us avoid like the plague. Finishing implies completion which isn't necessarily bad but again, it is change. So if a person doesn't learn to accept change does that mean this person will forever be unable to learn how to grow, change, and implement the steps necessary to take control of ones own life?  How does one learn with no example in youth?  Does this lack of adaption knowledge make it harder to function in society? or does it just create the various status' within society? 

There are probably answers to these questions and people who can answer them.  In fact, there are probably articles written by psychologists about this very topic.  There might even come a day when this article will be updated with more knowledge and accurate statements. For now, it's philosophical and all relative.