Opinion on stuff

Ever feel like the product review on the back of the box sometimes isn't enough information to figure out if the product is right for you or not?  Even TV infomercials provide a nice dream about a product but what about the reality of the item?  The amount of times I've purchased a product, out of curiosity only to discover a fatal problem with it, would make me rich if I hadn't bought it to begin with. Of course there are also times when that curiosity has found me a product that I wonder how I ever lived without.  The "As Seen On TV," products are especially true of being a real hit or miss. 
             When we make purchases that aren't as great as we thought, it's easy to feel bad.  We have just wasted money on something that wasn't what we wanted it to be - who wouldn't be upset? But it's important to stay positive; we are only human and everyone has made the mistake of purchasing the wrong thing.  Of course, the best thing to do would be to return the product within the time limit of the receipt to get a full refund so you don't live in regret, but if that doesn't happen, get creative.
              The trick is to stay positive about even the small things such as that lame purchase we wished we could take back. Re-gift, re-purpose, and learn to look for clues within the product you hate to look for in your next purchase - and avoid. An example would be if a white plastic spoon stains while mixing spaghetti sauce, get a metal or wooden spoon for mixing spaghetti sauce.  No need to live in regret. The clues you learn will help you identify a good purchases from the bad ones in the future.  Here's what I think about different purchases.
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