
All around us are hidden treasures that most people don't even know exist. Places that only the adventurous know about and discovering one of these oasis is a joy in life one must experience to be able to fully appreciate.  There is a whole world around us and so often we dream of far off lands which can be disappointing when a bleak reality sets in.  But the longing to be somewhere magical doesn't have to fade away when you open your eyes to what's around you.  One day I decided to go exploring down a hiking trail I had driven past for years.  That afternoon I discovered a waterfall only a mile from my old apartment.  This little paradise had been right under my nose and it only took a little curiosity to find it.
             Now I look for little things nature has hidden to enjoy, everywhere.  Like the live painting, available at any time, just by looking up at the sky and into the horizon.  When you find a perfect picture moment of a sky at dusk with full clouds and a fading sun, stop for a moment and think about all the different colors you would need to use if you were to paint this scene.  What brush strokes would you use to make the different shapes and textures? Truly think about this moment and how much work nature (or God, or whatever your preference may be for spiritual and higher power beliefs), had to put into creating the very moment you are getting to enjoy; which most people take for granted. 
            Think about how much work it would take you to create whatever beauty is around.  Whether it be the architecture or artistic designs of the buildings we pass every day or the vastness of an open field it is something that can be enjoyed. These are gifts life has placed everywhere and it is up to us to be able to find that joy.

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